how far does my projector need to be from the screen
Your projected image will be slightly distorted if the projector is too close to the screen and can produce a poor viewing experience. If your projector is too far from the screen, then you may have to compensate for the lack of light between your screen and projector. This video by The Art of Electronics explains both effects in detail.".
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This video by The Art of Electroencephalography provides an overview on how distance affects intensity and resolution for displaying images through projectors.
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The University of Birmingham recommends using a projector approximately one foot from there screened's surface as a general rule, with extra consideration needed for complicated or large screens (such as stadium screens or theater screens).
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There are a number of ways to calculate the screen's distance for your particular projector and screen, including using the math formula: screen_distance = (picture_height + .5) / 2, where picture height is the printed size of your image.
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However, this method does not account for what is known as "apertures", which are openings in the projector lens. It also fails to take into account other factors that may effect your viewing experience, such as how much ambient light is present, etc. For a more accurate method you will want to use a projector and screen distance calculator, such as on this website by Optoma.
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Most people know the basics of how to properly place a projector screen, but they might not be able to answer some specific questions like what is the distance needed between the projector and screen?".
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In this post, we'll go over all different factors and considerations to help you organize your projector setup. Keep reading!
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Write an introduction for an informative article about "How Social Media Sites Affect Mental Health". Here is a brief on what the article is going to be about: "Social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram have become increasingly popular since they allow us constant access to our friends and family. However, there are also many consequences.".
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Introduction Write an introduction for an informative article about "How Social Media Sites Affect Mental Health". Here is a brief on what the article is going to be about: "Social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram have become increasingly popular since they allow us constant access to our friends and family. However, there are also many consequences.". After writing an introduction and attachments, upload your article by clicking the "Submit" button below.
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Articles should be well-written in order to receive full credit. The short answer is that it depends. It depends on the projector, the type of installation you're setting up (fixed or motorized), and how big of a picture you want.
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Projectors are typically ticketed for "throw distance" and this is what we're going to use in our calculations. Throw distance always has to be calculated based on the size of the projected image, so we'll have to find out what size screen we need.
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We'll also have to know how large a projector screen your manufacturer specifies for installation . For example, Epson's website tells us that their projectors require an installation with at least an 8' x 4' surface .
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And, we'll need to know if you're using an overhead projector, table projector, or a freestanding projector.
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Overhead Projectors are the most common and are typically ticketed at 7' from the screen . Fixed installation (not motorized) tickets at 11 feet from the screen . Motorized installations require a minimum of 20 feet of distance.
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Table Projectors can be ticketed up to 18'. Free standing projectors can be thrown as far as 25' (up to 30').
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There are two main factors that affect your distance requirements: whether you want to lower or raise the image and whether you want motorized or fixed installation.
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